The board of the foundation

Helena Dandenell
ChairwomanLawyer with many years of experience as a lawyer and broad business law experience. Many appointments to positions of trust over the years, including as an expert in public investigations and as a member of the Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors supervisory board.

Bo Ennerberg
 Bo has extensive experience from work with asset management, including as CFO and deputy CEO of Länsförsäkringar AB / Länsförsäkringar Liv AB and from about 20 company boards, several as chairman, where the business is focused on asset management in a broad sense.

Mats-Eric Nilsson
 Award-winning author, journalist and lecturer in the field of food. Breakthrough in 2007 with the book Den hemliga kocken (The Secret Chef) , which looks at today's highly processed foods, rich in industrially produced additives, but poor in their original ingredients.

Arne Sjöström
 Arne has extensive experience of organic farming and is active in a number of foundations with this focus. He became early involved in the environmental movement and runs an organic farm. Arne also works in archeology/geology at Lund University and is the grandson of the foundation's founder.

Hubertus Videgård
 Hubertus has worked for many years as an IT project manager but has for the last few years been focusing on the Ekhaga Foundation and his own business. Hubertus is a graduate in economics and the grandson of the foundation's founder.